District Indian Ministry

Native people have always assigned different colors to the cardinal directions. These colors often carry various meanings. Within the Pan-Indian movement of the United States, the color red has also been chosen to symbolize the true and proper way for Indian people to live with the Creator. Because Jesus is the true Way to be in a right relationship with the Creator, it is His blood that makes the true red road.

The mission of the Indian Ministry Committee of the Montana District LCMS is:

To serve the Indian people of Montana with the Gospel of Jesus Christ who with the Father and the Holy Spirit is the true God and Savior of all people, so that they would become part of God’s royal priesthood, trained to worship God and to live the priestly life in service of the Gospel to bring the unbelieving as a gift to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

District Indian Ministry Newsletters

Everything Beautiful Thrift Store (pdf)

Letter from Pastor Jacobs February 2013 (pdf)

Indian Committee Report 2015 (pdf)

Indian Ministry Committee Report 2012 (pdf)