500th Reformation Anniversary
Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum
(The Word of the Lord Endures Forever)
Click on the link below for bulletin inserts on a variety of Reformation topics, written by Pastors from the Montana District
For the complete set of inserts, see our Reformation Reflections Booklet. Please note that this work is the intellectual property of the Montana District. Permission is granted to print unaltered copies, but only as a free resource, and may not be sold. For instructions on how to print the booklet, click here
Reformation Hymnody: Articles written by Dr. Kenneth Kosche
The following articles include information on the rich history of music and the Lutheran Church. Each article has suggested activities and questions to help deepen and enhance your understanding of music and worship in the Church.
- Worship before-after Luther
- The German Mass 1526
- Luther’s Hymns
- Luther’s Hymns in Hymnals (Landscape)
To view a presentation, given by Dr. Amy Burnett entitled: “The Reformation and Women’s Place in the Sixteenth Century” click here
Martin Luther: The Idea That Changed the World
October 26th, 2017: Carmike Shiloh 14 (Billings)
You can purchase tickets ($9 each) directly from this web address. The showing is open to the public and anyone can purchase these tickets from this site.