Parish Education Campus Ministry Committee Report 2015 (pdf)
Parish Education Campus Ministry Committee Report 2012 (pdf)
The Campus Ministry committee of the Montana District has established the second Sunday in August, as College Student and Campus Ministry Awareness Sunday.
It is no secret that during the college years many Lutheran youth fall away from regular church attendance, regular reception of the Lord’s Supper, and even from the beliefs that they were taught and that they received as they were growing up.
Therefore, the Campus Ministry Committee is trying to gather as much contact information as we can about the college students in your family and in your congregation so that we can assist pastors and congregations in locating and serving these youth while they are away from home at college. To do this, we need your help!
Please take a moment and fill out as much of the information below as you can and press the submit button when you are finished. The information will automatically be forwarded to the Campus Ministry Committee. Thank you and God’s Blessings to you In Christ. – The Campus Ministry Committee.
[contact-form 2 “Campus Ministry”]