The Stewardship and Human Care Committee provides support and encouragement for stewardship and human care work by LCMS congregations in Montana. This includes programs that encourage members to use their God-given gifts in service to their church and community, to speak for life, to offer compassionate care to those who are suffering, to minister to those in prison or pre-release, and to assist in disaster situations.
Life is on the ballot in Montana this November!
A proposed constitutional amendment (CI-128) would make Montana one of the most abortion-friendly states in the nation, including abortions for minor girls without the knowledge or permission of a parent or other adult, and would prohibit legal action against abortion providers for failed/botched abortions or “negative outcomes” from abortion, such as sepsis, sterility, or death.
Below are some resources for you, your congregation, and/or your Bible study group to download and use as you discuss, pray about, and share information with family and friends.
Life is on the Ballot in Montana Bulletin Insert (Full Color)
Life is on the Ballot in Montana Bulletin Insert (Black and White)
Website Resources
- LCMS Life Ministry website:
Life Library of information resources on life issues, including abortion, adoption, post-abortion, sanctity of life, etc.
$1 Million Life Match Grants (applications accepted Jan. 1 through Feb. 15 annually)
Bible studies on 1 John 3:
Pro-life educational materials for early childhood, kids, and teens
Podcasts, worship resources, and more
- Lutherans for Life website:
- Y4Life (young adults) website:
- Word of Hope (post-abortion) website:
- Students for Life of America website (not LCMS):
- Social Media (share posts to your pages–see websites for Instagram, X, YouTube):
- LCMS Life Ministry Facebook page:
- Lutherans for Life Facebook page:
- Word of Hope Facebook page:
- Students for Life of America:
Click here for Stewardship and Human Care Committee minutes and reports.
To contact the Committee, call or email Deaconess Lorraine Roach, 406-550-1900, or